
E-Mail:  Info@townofwhite.com

Est. 1906

"Local government is the foundation of democracy, if it fails, democracy will fail."

Robert W. Flack

Town of White Personnel:

Jon Skelton - Chairman of the Board

 Term Expires 12/31/2026

Edward Kippley - Supervisor, Board Member - Term Expires 12/31/2025 - extended to 12/31/2026

Craig Anttila - Vice Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2027 - extended to 2028

Jodi Knaus - Town Manager/Clerk

Mary Ann Helander - Deputy Clerk

Amanda Gross - Office Assistant/Treasurer

Jessica Forsline - Deputy Treasurer

Clark Niemi - Foreman

Bryan Lehman - Mechanic/Equipment Operator

Wesley Peterson - Step-Up Foreman/Equipment Operator

Roxane Polansky - General Maintenance Worker

Richard Renner - Equipment Operator

Tanner Lokken - Equipment Operator

​Samuel Nelson - Equipment Operator

​​Northspan Group - Economic Development Consulting Services/ERJPB

J.R. Kopp - IT Services Consultant

"The most important political office is that of the private citizen."

Louis Brandeis

About the Town of White

Established in 1906, the Town of White is located in Northern Minnesota in St. Louis County.  It is the 2nd largest township in the State of Minnesota.  With over 100 miles of road to maintain and covering 36 square miles, the township is unique because the City of Aurora is located in the center of the township.  

As an urban township, we are governed by an elected body of three supervisors serving three rotating year terms.  The Town Manager/Clerk and Treasurer are located on the 2nd floor of the City/Town Hall in Aurora, MN.  The Public Works crew which consists of a foreman and five operators is located at the Town of White Garage Facility south of Aurora on highway 100.

Available for rental by calling the Town of White Office is the Loon Lake Community Center which is a multi-use facility located in the community of Palo.  Erected in 1957 as a public school, the community center has a gymnasium, full stainless steel kitchen with all amenities plus a serving area and plenty of seating.  There are many classrooms which can also be rented to host meetings. The Loon Lake Community Center is the perfect venue for any gathering such as a wedding where ample parking and space for gathering is needed for the event.  Every year during the first weekend in February, Laskiainen (Finnish Sliding Festival) is held here.  The Town of White celebrates this festival by featuring crafts, winter sports, a marketplace, music, a museum, ethnic foods, skating, Vipu Kelkka (whip-sled), and of course, sliding down the iced hill.  The spirit of family fun truly dominates this "festival for all ages".    

Also available for rental is the Twin Lakes Pavilion located at Twin Lakes Beach.  This is perfect for those summer months when the public beach is there to utilize during your gathering.